Lauren Jamieson


Lauren works with a diverse range of private and public sector employers, with a focus on advising employers in federally regulated industries. She offers practical advice on day-to-day human resources and labour relations issues and provides clients with pragmatic solutions to the challenges they face.

As a member of the Firm’s Aviation Practice Group, Lauren represents clients across the country, including fixed and rotary wing operators, flight training units, airports, and other organizations across the operational spectrum. She also has firsthand experience in the industry, having completed two secondments that provided her with invaluable insight into the operations of two major players within the industry.

In supporting her clients, Lauren provides services in a wide range of areas, such as statutory compliance, averaging and modified work, privacy and access to information, human rights, and pay equity. She also provides management training on a variety of topics and regularly represents clients in front of labour arbitrators and administrative tribunals.

Lauren completed her law degree at the University of Ottawa where she graduated Cum Laude and completed an Option in Dispute Resolution in Professionalism. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours from Carleton University, where she majored in Law and Legal Studies, with minors in both Business and Psychology.

Lauren is a member of the Bar in Ontario, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories.

Lauren is a member of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers, the County of Carleton Law Association, the Ontario Bar Association, and the Canadian Bar Association. Lauren is also actively involved with the Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC), the Helicopter Association of Canada (HAC), and the Northern Air Transport Association (NATA) and regularly attends and presents at their annual conferences.

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