October 10, 2020 – Pilots preferred reduced hours and pay cuts to pandemic layoffs


WestJet pilots agreed to take 50% hit to their compensation to help preserve jobs





Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) brought motion to strike judicial review application filed by Air Passenger Rights (APR) – application related to two statements made on the CTA website prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to providing vouchers to passengers when flights are cancelled – CTA unable to identify any precedent that clearly supports its position that part of the judicial review application was “so clearly improper as to be bereft of any possibility of success” – arguments related to reasonable apprehension of bias should be made at the hearing of the judicial review application – Court dismissed motion to strike the application for judicial review.



License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to subsection 72(1) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

  • Cancellation – General Aviation Flying Services Inc c.o.b Million Air Charter Teterboro and Meridian Air CharterDetermination No. A-2020-170

License to operate a non-scheduled international service cancelled pursuant to paragraph 75(2)(b) of the CTA.

  • Suspension – ExtraordinAir Aviation & Charter, Inc c.o.b. Alliance Air CharterOrder No. 2020-A-153

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

  • Suspension – Air Med Services, LLC c.o.b. Executive Aircraft Charter Services –  Order No. 2020-A-157

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.

License suspended pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA.













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