October 16, 2021 – CTA: Accessible transportation requirements exemption rejected


CTA: Accessible transportation requirements exemption rejected



  • Grievance – Uniforms – American Airlines, Inc. v United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (United Steelworkers), 2021 CanLII 88124Grievance related to roll-out of new uniforms where Customer Service employees were issued an initial allotment of uniforms at no cost, but not Ramp employees – Union argued requirement to treat both groups equally – Employer argued Customer Service employees were required to wear only new uniforms whereas Ramp employees were allowed to use previous uniforms – Arbitrator concluded language in collective agreement does not require Employer to provide uniform at no cost, nor does it support the Union’s argument for equal treatment between the two groups – Grievance dismissed
  • Grievance – Mandatory Retirement – Air Canada Pilots Association v Air Canada, 2021 CanLII 92847
    Grievance alleged Airline failed to accommodate pilot wishing to continue working as a pilot past age 65 – International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) prohibits pilots over 65 from flying international flights – US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) adopts ICAO standards for aviation operations in and over US – Airline conducted analysis of routes the grievor could pilot that would respect ICAO and FAA standards – Creation of schedule to allow grievor to continue flying  would constitute undue hardship – Grievance dismissed
  • Termination – Sunwing Airlines Inc. v. Mora, 2021 ONSC 1376 and 2021 ONSC 6179
    Employee terminated for cause for his involvement in a kickback scheme – Employee admitted to the scheme and agreed to repayment plan, but later argued he did so under duress – Trial turned on credibility with Court concluding the employee was not credible – Action granted and employee’s concurrent wrongful dismissal claim dismissed – Damages fixed at $537,885 plus $200,000 punitive damages – Construction trust order over employee’s property deemed appropriate
  • Workers’ Compensation – Harassment – De Marco et Air Canada, 2021 QCTAT 4504
    Ramp agent appealed decision by Quebec Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail to deny his claim for workplace injury resulting from alleged harassment – Employee alleged harassment and bullying from supervisor – Grievance submitted by union but eventually closed without being arbitrated – Reasonable exercise of management rights – Appeal denied


  •  Application – Italia Trasporto Aereo S.p.A. c.o.b. ITA S.p.A. – Determination No. W-2021-152
    Application for a licence to operate, through code sharing, scheduled international services in accordance with the Agreement on Air Transport between Canada and the European Community and its Member States – CTA issued the license subject to conditions
  • Application – Wind River Air Ltd. –  Determination No. A-2021-154
    Application for suspension of Licence No. 080072 – CTA suspended license
  • Suspension – Kolob Canyons Air Services, c.o.b. Business Air Center, Kolob Canyon Air Service, Coast to Coast Air AmbulanceOrder No. 2021-A-S-327
    Licence No. 100016
  • Suspension – Phenix Jet Cayman SEZC Order No. 2021A-S-328
    Licence No. 210050 – reinstated effective October 12, 2021









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