Education Law

Our Firm has developed an extensive practice in the education sector and counts amongst its clientele a number of school boards, private schools, community colleges and universities in various provinces and territories.

We are experienced in providing legal services specific to the education sector, including but not limited to:

  • Advising on matters such as academic freedom, safety in schools, special education, and student discipline (including suspension or expulsion hearings)
  • Ensuring compliance with school board by-laws or administrative guidelines
  • Assisting with privacy related issues, including those arising in relation to the Ontario Student Record
  • Providing legal expertise in conflicts relating to child custody and access
  • Ensuring compliance with human rights legislation, and drafting or reviewing related policies
  • Providing representation in legal proceedings before various administrative tribunals and the courts
  • Designing and delivering training sessions on different topics (e.g., documentation, progressive discipline, issues involving custody of and access to pupils, etc.)

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